Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Last Blog: Relfection

This semester I can honestly say I've been the best student I can be. I am 100% sure I have all A's and B's in all 8 classes. That all came from hard work, focus, determination and concentration, all of which students need to have if they want to become auspicious. Not only due to the homework policy but due to my determination of wanting to do good, doing homework has not been a problem this year. Being a senior, I learned the best way to complete things and get an A on them, is by basing your project, paper, or essay off the rubric. If you follow the rubric and what needs to be done, it's guaranteed you'll get a great grade on it. I organized my homework by depending on what day it was due, instead of making my plans first, I would make my plans around my homework. Everything I've done this semester was able to make me succeed and I'm going to continue my work ethics for the second semester, and get the grades I want. Everyone can control their own grades, it's up to them.

Having three separate writing classes, teaching completely different things, I would definitely say I have excelled in writing a lot. One of the things I had a little bit of trouble with was writing the letter. I didn't know exactly what to say, but to make it better, I read it over and over again and re-wrote it to make it sound better. When I have a weakness in something, I try to correct it by making it the best I can. By doing that it becomes a strength instead of a weakness. The only way to get better at something is to practice so you can succeed. Success equals happiness, and that should be everyone's main goal in life. I also need to remember when ever I'm writing a paper, to have an introduction, body, and conclusion. I know I learned it when I was in like 2nd grade, but I still forget it every now and then and just randomly write all of my thoughts out with no organization.

Considering we focused on our topic for so long, I have so much information stored in my brain about ecstasy. I know I'm not going to forget it for a long time, so when I can I want to use it in context and let people know. The part that sticks in my mind is how deleterious it is to your body, your body is such a sacred place and you only get one of them, so you should take care of it and love it. Your body is a magical thing and has wonders of it's own, sometimes it can heal itself, other times it cannot. DonProxy-Connection: keep-alive
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7t take the risk, be smart and have fun the safe way. It still amazes me that ecstasy (MDMA) itself, is not addictive, it's all the other chemicals and drugs it's based with, that are highly addictive. Since it was discovered on an accident, who knows some scientists might discover something like it. Something like ecstasy, same affects, but not as harmful. I don't know if I'm going to continue to research my topic, because I know anything and everything about ecstasy that there is to know. I still feel the same as I did in the beginning of this process, ecstasy is very very bad if you abuse it, but hey if you use it once, I believe everything is good in moderation. Although, that's the catch with drugs, you can't really do them once and not want to try them again because the different reality they take you too.

I loved doing this project, because when you're given the freedom to chose something you want to learn about for a couple months you can't really go wrong. It makes the work easier, and helps you become more motivated about it. :]

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